Review for Get Well Soon
This book was hilarious, fun and absolutely wonderful. I am really happy I bought it. 🙂
The book is written in diary/letter form. A form I really like, it is creative. I wish she had actually sent the letters though, and that we maybe even got letters back from her friend.
Anna was a great character. She was cute, funny, and although she was a bit annoying (she kept ranting about her being fat and such), but I can understand that. Depression make you do that. 🙁
The doctors and nurses, well I am still not sure what to think about them, I found them a bit weird, their rules a bit strange. I could understand many things, but some things were just a bit: wtf?
I loved all the other characters, and how Anna described them in full detail. All their silly things, their depressions and more. And it is all done in comedy style. Also of course, we got the obligatory hot boys and mean girls.
This is a book that combines depression with comedy and of course romance. 🙂
I would recommend this book to everyone.