Review for Beautiful Malice

Review for Beautiful Malice

Beautiful Malice Awesome opening sentence that pulled me in: I didn’t go to Alice’s funeral.

Since this is just like the other book by Rebecca James, I will be short, since I don’t want to spoiler any of the awesomeness that this book contains.

The book is split in 3 times. You read about what happened to her and her sister, her and Alice and other people, and her with her child. Normally this can be terribly confusing, but Rebecca James did it perfectly. Somewhere in the middle her story about her sister is done, so we only get the Alice + Katherine story and Katherine and her child. It was really well done.

Alice was seriously creepy, there are little hints in the beginning but the cracks show slowly and I can tell you one thing. Dang it is scary at times.

The ending (of the Alice part) were soooo sad, I really cried. 🙁

Anyway: I would recommend this to everyone!!

5 Stars

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