Review for Suck It Up
This was a really, really fun book to read.
This was a really, really fun book to read. It was another creative take on the whole vampire world, in this you got Loners and Leaguers. And with human blood, you also got soy blood, animal blood. So while there are vampires that drink blood from humans (and hurt them), there are also vampires who don’t do that.
Our main character, or should I call him hero, Morning Mccobb is one of those vampires who drink soy blood or Blood Lite. He gets chosen by another vampire (also politician) Birnham, who wants him to campaign for the vampires and out himself so that other vampires can do that too.
Morning actually had other plans, involving lots of nerd stuff and comic reading. Instead he takes on the offer, and flies back to his old home city. There he meets Penny and her daughter Portia. And thus everything starts.
We got various twists and turns in the story, and it is really fun to also get the facts on the whole vampire business and the new and old commandments.
Overall it was a really fun book, and I am looking forward to read book 2, though I am not sure what the story will be there, since well… this one ended pretty conclusive.
I would recommend this book to everyone who likes: vampires, different way of living for vampires, a coming out, a little bit of romance and some silly serial killers. 🙂