Review for 29 Myths on the Swinster Pharmacy
First of all this: Lemony!!! <3 <3
So now we have that out of the way, let’s talk about this book. It was wonderful and also totally like something Lemony would make. It was mysterious, a bit silly (loved the extra comments under some of the text). Though I didn’t feel like they were myths exactly, more like facts/story broken up in parts. Also we never really find out the mystery or what is really wrong with the pharmacy.
But it is fun, because it shows how much kids see things and make a huge deal out of it. Thinking it is mysterious or that there must be something behind it.
The illustrations, beautiful, gorgeous and great. Love the colours, love how Lisa Brown’s style of illustrations fits perfectly with Lemony’s style of writing.
Also people: The Jacket of the book! Be sure to check that one out, you are in for a wonderful surprise. 🙂