What I Hope To Read January 2015
Welcome all, to the first What I Hope To Read of 2015!
2015 will bring me many new books, I currently have 366 books on my Oh Gosh Delicious 2015 books Shelf. 🙂
So how was everyone’s Christmas? Did you all get lots of new books? Gift cards to spend on books? Other fun presents? I got quite a few nice presents. 4 new books (pictures to come with the Book Haul for December), games and various other fun things. “Santa” really spoiled me.
Well let’s start shall we? I got a few books I have pre-ordered, and of course I got a ton of books that I want to read next month! Let 2015 begin! Let it be filled with lots of books, fun and happiness!
As you can see I got a lot to look forward too. I am probably not going to be able to read all of these, but I do hope I will read a few and then read the rest spread over the rest of the year. 2015 is really starting off with a BANG~ and I am excited to see what more the year will bring for me! Only a month to go before I can (hopefully) gather a lot of book at the big book market and also only about a month to go before a very special day happens, namely my birthday! <3
What are you planning to read in 2015? Anything good? Any recommendations? Feel free to let me know!