My Wonderful Year in Books in 2014: Part 1: Stats!
Hello everyone, welcome to the new year!
This is the first time I have done this (normally I didn’t really have a place to post them). I have calculated all my stats for this year with the help of dear old Excel. I had kind of hoped that Goodreads would have all the stats, but sadly in the little detail part less than half of my books are in there.
Luckily we have Excel, even though that took a bit more effort.
So without further ado. Here are my stats for 2014.
Total books:
Number of ratings per book:
5s – 295 books which is 28.20% of the total books read
4s – 359 books which is 34.32% of the total books read
3s – 211 books which is 20.17% of the total books read
2s – 115 books which is 11% of the total books read
1s – 62 books which is 5.93% of the total books read
0s – 4 books which is 0.38% of the total books read
742 of the 1046 books were English, which is 70.94% of my total books read.
304 of the 1046 books were Dutch or another language, which is 29.06% of my total books read.
Total Pages:
I have read a total of 201585 pages, which divided by my total books comes to an average of 192.7 pages per book.
I have reviewed 545 books (this includes drafts of ARCs that still need to be posted), which out of my total number of books is 52.1%
As you can see I had a wonderful book-filled year! I still have no clue how my number of books got this high. I still had mountains of other things to do and also other hobbies, but it seems that even with all that I can still read a lot. However, I am planning on taking it easy on the books this year. Though, again, I said the same thing last year and look at the number of books I have now. We will have to see, it all depends on what comes out this year, if there is lots of good books in-between that one I might just forego my resolution to take it easier. 🙂
I am really proud that I have reviewed more than half of the books I read. And I think the number would be higher if I had reviewed every book in a series. Now, I often just review every other book of a series or just review 4 to 5 books in one go.
This year was truly a rollercoaster of stuff happening, and I can’t wait to see what 2015 will bring me. What are your plans? Resolutions? How much did you read this year? Are you planning on taking it easier or planning on going for more?
Happy New Year, and I will make another “My Wonderful Year in Books in 2014” post soon with my favourites books of the year 2015! Look forward to it!
2 thoughts on “My Wonderful Year in Books in 2014: Part 1: Stats!”
OMG. 1,000+ books read in a year??? How is that! Omg are you a magician??? WOWIOWWW
I am a book-magician, nice to meet you. 😀