Review for The Girl & The Machine
I was one of the lucky 500 to receive this book for free from the author.
Sadly, the book didn’t turn out to be what I would like. I was thinking it was about time travel, noble actions and all that… but.. and I will put this under spoiler tags because sorry I just need to freaking rant/rage.
Heather and what happened to her? I had my suspicions it wasn’t as easy as she said, especially since we know Franklin CAN’T travel to the future. And of course we find out that mister Franklin raped the poor thing, and she is very angry. He doesn’t even remember her (no wonder, since he probably raped lots of girls), and he apparently doesn’t mind telling her some details. *roll eyes*
Her revenge plan is interesting, but I don’t know. On the one hand I think it is a bit too much, but on the other I also kind of approve. I am really not sure what to think. I think I would rather see him in jail for all his crimes (though that might bring some things that won’t work. Considering he would just time travel out of the jail to a previous time). *sighs* At least he won’t be hurting anyone now, let’s just hope Heather will be using the powers for better. Though I am doubtful, since she is quite emotional and I am worried she might just do some stuff that will change/break things.
It is a short book, thank Lord, I don’t think I could handle more revelations or more confusion. I am still angry and I still want to throw with things. I will just need some games or other books to relieve from this anger.