Review for The Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living Dead
Review for Hello, I love you
Cover Lover Saturday ~ The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow
Review for Expelled
I have been excited for the book named Sweet as soon as I heard it was coming (so around last year), and now, with only a few days to go before the release date I found this precious gem of a novella. And I can say, it does it job, it really grabbed me and made me want to read Sweet even more than I already wanted to read it. I am now super excited!
Review for Cleopatra in Space #1: Target Practice
Review for Rosario to Vampire – Season II: Vol.14
Friday’s Page 69 – The Mystery of the Clockwork Sparrow
Review for The Diviners
I am finished! After at least a year of trying and trying again to read this book, giving up, I finally picked up the book again, and I went through it. And Dear Lord, it was a mighty trip of epicness, a trip that doesn’t only lead to supernatural things, but also to love and romance. It was a fantastic book. And it is now one of my favourite books.