Review for Cleopatra in Space #1: Target Practice

Review for Cleopatra in Space #1: Target Practice

18527488Not a long review, just one to express my feelings. This was a fantastic book.

I saw this book pop up in the recommendations of Goodreads and the art pulled me in, well, not only the art, but also the description. I am a big fan of Egypt (especially the old history about them), and when I saw we would follow Cleopatra? We would have pyramids, tombs and other fun stuff? I just knew I had to have it. And after reading it (and also immediately buying book 2), I can say I absolutely love this book.

Sure, Cleo was a bit annoying at times, I can imagine school is no fun, algebra sucks, but you will need to learn them. I just got a bit tired with her complaining about stuff. She had great friends, a home (though not her real home), a place that taught her to fight (something she loved), but often we hear her complaining about algebra or other subjects.
But when she stops complaining and starts kicking ass, I started loving her. She is totally awesome with a raygun, she can kick someone’s ass and she is truly awesome. It is kind of good that she was transported to this world, because in her own world she wouldn’t have been able to do all this.

I loved the other characters. Cleo’s new friends, the princess/queen, the cats (though not all of them). I hope we will get more background information on all of them, as they are great characters and deserve more love.

The art is amazing, really colourful and fun to look at. The characters just pop out from the pages and the backgrounds are ones you can get lost in. I just want to pop into the book and fight alongside Cleo.

There are also mysterious things happening, things that I hope will get explained/answered in the next volume.

Would I recommend this one? Yes, yes, I would.


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