Review for Pip Bartlett’s Guide to Magical Creatures
Wow, wow and wow, this book was amazing. So much fun, I really laughed aloud quite a lot of times, it was a truly magical trip through a world that I hope we will find out more in sequel books.
Pip is our main girl, she can talk to magical creatures, and as expected no one believes her. After getting in some (hilarious) trouble with unicorns, she is send to live with her aunt for the summer, but Pip being Pip, this doesn’t mean she is not getting into trouble. Through the course of the summer she befriends another unicorn and a griffin, helps out with a fuzzle apocalypse and finds a new friend, someone who doesn’t find it strange that she can talk to animals.
Pip was a great character and she did her best to help out the supernatural critters that lived in her world. I loved how she kept editing the book she always carried. Adding new stuff, removing stuff and editing stuff. I hope for her that she can one day publish it, or make a copy for someone to publish it. A lot of the information she finds out about would be handy for the public to know. Like for instance the fuzzle stuff.
And maybe she could also add an allergy part to the book, because those magical allergies sure are hilarious. Rainbow-coloured bubbles? Hiccups? Allergies aren’t fun, but these sure sound fun. It would be kind of interesting to catalogue all the known allergies and what they might just cause.
And yes, that is the trouble that Pip’s new friend is having. He is allergic to anything and everything. At times it just annoyed me, it was just frustrated that there wasn’t a thing he could handle. It made him feel weak and annoying. But as we get to know him, we see he is a great character and he is really bothered by the fact the world is out to kill him with allergies. But even with all that, he just continues and does his best.
I really loved the fuzzles, the poor little critters. It was quite funny that they just loved underwear drawers, or that they got so excited that they explode or turn to a fireball. I had a big laugh when Pip and others went to put the fuzzles somewhere safe and the fuzzles got so excited they formed one big blob of fire. The car it is on fire! Especially the reactions of people were hilarious.
We also had a bad person in here, a person who will try anything to get rid of anything magical that is (in their eyes) bad or unruly. I really disliked that person and I had quite a few laughs when she got what she deserved.
There are also illustrations and they made the book more fun. Though I had hoped that we would get complete pages. Some of the illustration pages just ended mid-sentence which was quite a frustration.
All in all, I would highly recommend this book. Be warned, you will laugh your ass off. 🙂
And me? I am hoping for more books in this fantastic series, and I am also hoping for a real life version of the Jeffrey Higgleston’s Guide to Magical Creatures. Of course with all of Pips additions and edits.