Review for Dinosaurs Love Underpants

Review for Dinosaurs Love Underpants

91050OKRSBL._SL1500_I read Monsters Love Underpants some time ago, and I adored that book. And guess what I found in my library yesterday? Yes, I found Dinosaurs Love Underpants. I was kind of expecting it to be the same kind of story as the Monsters, but it was quite different.

In this story we find out how the dinosaurs got extinct. Oh, you thought that was because of a meteorite, well believe me, after this book, you might reconsider. 😉 It was a really funny book about cavemen, about dinosaurs, about fights on underpants (Yes, believe me, underpants is highly wanted!) and while the sentences didn’t really rhyme, they still had a nice rhythm to them that made them easy and also very fun to read.

I really liked how we started in the present and travelled back in time to the past.

The illustrations are nice, colourful and fun to look at. I really loved all those underpants, though I do wonder where they got the fabric from. The animal prints are easy, but how did they get white/blue underpants? Or polka-dotted ones? The mystery deepens. 😉

Would I recommend this book? Yes, I am sure kids will love it, and parents will just be laughing just as hard at all the underpants antics happening.

I am hoping that I will find the other books one day, as I would love to see more underpants and see which critters/creatures get the spotlight next.


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