Review for My Pet Show Panic!

Review for My Pet Show Panic!

17148.books.origjpgFirst up I want to thank my boyfriend for buying this entire Humphrey’s Tiny Tales series for me as a present! <3

Next the book itself. It was soooo adorable and cute. I love the normal Humphrey tales (logical, as I love hamsters), and when I found out about these I was delighted that there were other tales about Humphrey. Of course my boyfriend heard my squeals and shouts of delight, came to check in, and then when I was gone bought all of them.

The normal stories are already love for me, but I can say that I love these books even more. They are so much more cute, I didn’t think it was possible for the Humphrey stories to get any cuter, but it did in this one. The fact it took place 99% in a different situation than the normal school one was a definite plus. The pet show was really fun, especially since we met with so many of the characters and their pets. I liked the mystery of what Nick was, though of course I had an idea what it was quite soon. Mostly helped by how Og was reacting to it (he is a frog after all).

Like in all the stories there is a bit of a chaos nearing the end which, also like all the stories, get solved in a cute way.

Who won the prices? I won’t tell you, you will have to read the book yourself to see if any of our friends won a price. 🙂

This book also has really cute sketch/drawing illustrations which really made the book come to life and I just loved how Humphrey was drawn. I am not entirely sold on Og though, but maybe that will grow as the stories continue.

I definitely will be reading the other books soon. Hopefully they are all as adorable as this one is. 😀


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