Review for First Kisses and Other Misfortunes

Review for First Kisses and Other Misfortunes

41kjdmm3CHL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_A sweet story, right in-between book 1 and 2 of this series. <3 Romance, swimming, boats, and more!

So, there I was, browsing Twitter and seeing if there was any awesome book/other stuff that I would like. And then, BAM, I found a tweet about this book. Stating it was a free short story, and of course by the looks of the cover (and by the writer), I knew this was a story from the Grimbaud series! I immediately downloaded it, and I was gone for the next +/- 15 minutes (which apparently my boyfriend found funny, since I totally didn’t respond to anything during reading).

Now to the book, this book is a Dual POV about Nico and Martin. Our two guys from the first book. Everyone who read the first book just knows how much Nico was after Martin, how hard he tried to break the charm holding Martin to his girlfriend. This book is a direct continuation, and for most of the book it is just a cute, fluffy read. Well, there were some points that were about the problems they had in their relationship. They are still pretty new to the whole boy x boy thing, especially Martin, and Nico is worrying about several things. Like their first kiss, or romance, or if their relationship will truly work. And then we have Martin who worries about other stuff.

Of course it also doesn’t help when our evil queen bee who we thought was gone, returns to the town for a summer vacation. You can imagine the feelings and thoughts of Nico when he spots his boyfriend with this evil woman.

We also have one scary event happening (I won’t spoil what of course), but for most this book is just adorable, and I just kept cheering for Martin, and for Nico. Hoping that they would finally kiss, would finally be able to have a good romance, because believe me, these 2 characters deserve that more than anyone else after the events of the last book.

I really loved this book, and how, even with the POV change to Nico and Martin, it felt like I never left their world, like we just ran through a few months, but everything else is right there. The fortunes, the conclusions to what happened in the last book, the effects that has on the town, the town (I just loved the town), the fun characters we also saw in the previous book.

And of course, I am sucker for good romance, and let me just say that those pool scenes (while at times a bit stressy) were very very yes, please, more of that. 😀

The ending, and what happens there. Oh dear swoons, it was just so adorable. Again, no spoilers, just read this book (make sure to read the first book though). So what are you waiting for? Are you looking for a cute novella (with adorable cover btw), go read this one!


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