Review for A Chance to Shine

Review for A Chance to Shine

17245360A terrific, amazing book in the series of Chestnut Hill. Sadly, in the last part we find out something big and that kind of ruined the book for me. Then again I guess they have to end the series in some way, though I would have thought there would be better ways than this horrible one. 😐 I hope something magical happens in the next book that will turn this crap reason of an ending to something better.

I will talk more about that thing later, in spoiler tags, since it is a spoiler, but I still want to discuss it and get it out of my system.

But first all the fun things, because there are so many of them. First of all the fact that this book is from the POV of Honey, who is my favourite character. She sweet, kind, friendly, and has such a nice hidden side to herself. She is also amazing at riding, which is something we see pop up in this one.

And we also have another new thing in the Chestnut Hill world. Horse riding on music! Various dressage things, but then on music. Let your horse dance and have fun! It was just such a delight to read about this, it is one of my favourite things of horse riding. Seeing all those horses, and their riders go in sync with the music. It is pretty, gorgeous, and just stunning that people can dance with their horses.
Of course we can also clearly see how it ends for the characters, some of them are naturals at horse riding + music, but there are enough that just don’t want to do it (like Lani’s horse, or Dylan’s).
But Honey is a natural in it, and Minnie (her horse) as well. It was so much fun to see her discover a new side to horse riding, to see her enjoy this, and to make it her own.
Because that is what she did. After a demonstration she gets an offer she can’t refuse. I was cheering and clapping when I read about the offer, and then kept on cheering for her during all the parts that were about that offer. She so deserved that offer and I was delighted that she has a chance to shine.

Bluegrass (Lynsey’s horse) seems to be doing much much better and I was so happy for Lynsey that it wouldn’t be long before Blue would be all healthy and happy again.

Then we also have the Crafty Club (a continuation of last book), this time we have some fun projects that the girls are making.

We also have some romance between Honey and her boyfriend. Sooo cute. <3 And unlike Canterwood Crest the romance didn’t feel weird or wrong considering the girls ages. It matched them perfectly. No lust or longing, just cute puppy love. 😀

And now for the one part that I hated.
The fact Honey has to move to England. Sure, sure, she can choose not to do it, but that means she won’t see her family (also Sam) that much.
I hated that her parents did this kind of stuff. They have only been in America for 2 years or so, and you just directly move when you get an offer? I can imagine, you get an amazing offer, but think of your kids. They finally got used to America, they have made friends, and so much more, and you just say that they will have to come. 😐 Can’t you understand that this is hard? That this isn’t something to just tell your kid when they think this dinner is for her achievements. Bah.
And then that ending. Of course Honey will pick that, because she can’t live without her family. Even if that means leaving everything behind. Bah. Bah. Bah!

But leaving that one aside, this one was great and I really enjoyed it. I will be reading book 12 soon and I hope I will get a good ending to a long series. 🙂


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