Review for Rein It In

Review for Rein It In

16059624Well this was slightly better than the previous book, but still…. Kate….

Really, there is this blog, full of rumours, and as soon as there is a rumour that Kate might get a job offer due to someone’s pregnancy she immediately DROPS everything and just purely focusses on that. rolls eyes Even putting down an offer by an amazing stable, an amazing chance to show off her skills. But of course little girl Katiewatie believes everything that a rumour (look at that word and think what that means) blog says. sighs This girl is just so stupid. I already knew this from the previous books and the way she acts, but really, she needs to stop doing shit like this. Sure some of the stuff on the blog is real, but most if rumours. And really, girl, you are freaking 16, you are not even legal and you think that a big shot trainer will just offer you a job and forgo your chance at school? HAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHHAH. NO.
And then that ending and with the reaction of Kate. Seriously, girl, how stupid are you. sighsAt times this girl doesn’t seem 16, but rather 10.
Also sorry, I just had a small laugh at what happened with Fable and how Kate reacted to it. Call me mean, but this is how your best friend (or should I say ex-best friend) is feeling. Hope you enjoy the feeling girl. This is the same thing that happened to your friend when Fitz that thing for you. And sure, Nat is a total bleh bleh about it, but I do hope you can now closer understand why she is not forgiving you so easily.

There were various other parts in which I totally disliked Kate and how she acted. At least she did act normal around Fitz this time so she got that going for her. I was delighted to see them getting along and being super cute and sweet together.

Zara and Tommi’s POV definitely were my favourites. Zara’s because she was being sweet and caring + also trying to figure out the blogger’s identity (which was really a lot of fun to read about). Tommi’s because of the horse riding, because of the sweet (but short) romance with Scott. I also liked that this girl is changing her opinion on college. You can see that she is thinking about it. She is a bit amazed at her change, but you can see she is now really thinking about all her options.

This book was also chockful with horses, yes, really. We have several competitions going on, and we really get a lot of horse action. I just loved all of it, the other books focussed a lot on drama or romance, but this one focussed more on the horse riding.
After all that is why I read these books. The drama is fun, the romance is cute, but I still read it for the horse riding and the talk about horses.

I also want to congratulate Joy, she really got a bit of a spotlight in here and for a good reason. It was just so sweet. I hope she and her husband will be happy.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book, and I do hope we will get a new addition to the series, though considering it has been 3 years now…. I know, there have been books that took longer, but all the other books came out in 2011, 2012, 2012…. I will just keep hoping, but yeah, I am not all to positive there will be more.


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