What I Hope To Read July 2016
Hello everyone!
Where did the month go? I was just thinking that I just did this kind of post not that long ago, then I checked the calendar and spotted it was already the end of the month… The month really flew by, and it almost July. Only about a month to go before my vacation of 2 or 3 weeks starts! I hope the weather will be nice, because I want to read, read, read, and swim, swim, swim! (Of course not at the same time.)
This month I got quite a few pre-orders that will come out, and while I am excited for all of them, I know I won’t be able to read them until my vacation. Yes, I am rationing myself and hording books for my vacation time.
As for books I would love to read? Well, there aren’t that many this month. It is something I have noticed other years as well, there are just less books coming out in the summer months. Or maybe it is just me. 😀
Let me get started on this. What are you hoping to read this month? And do you have summer/holiday plans?