Review for The Royal Babysitters

Review for The Royal Babysitters

22313662I wasn’t sure what to expect, but this one looked fun so I wanted to try it out, and boy, I am glad I did, because now I have a whole new series to read.

This book is about Holly, Anna, and also quite soon Prince Pepino. Our girls need money for a big holiday, and not just any money, but a whole lot of it. You can imagine that the jobs you need for that money aren’t always the best, and that is what our girls find out when they think they have an easy job, but quickly discover that babysitting 6 little princes (sextuplets) isn’t easy. Add to this babysitting an invasion (yes, invasion). The girls, and prince Pepino will have to save Britland (yes, Britland, all the countries have silly names) from certain doom. 😛

I do have to say I had to warm up to Pepino. I have already read the second and third books, and I can say that he really improves and he is now one of my favourite characters. But in book 1? I just didn’t like his attitude and how he treated the girls.

I love how hard Anna and Holly tried babysitting but kept losing babies. I am not sure how anyone would lose babies, but considering the story and the precocious babies, I can imagine. When they first lost a baby I was like: o.0. But after the second baby, I was just curious to see how many babies they would have at the end + I was also curious to see what would happen to each baby.

The invasion was just brilliant, the things they did to prevent it, all the while trying not to lose more babies and babysitting and of course ignoring Pepino who had remarks for each part of the road.

Then there are Mermaids, poopy (and very stinky) diapers with radiation levels over 9000, weird royals, brilliant names, and much more!

The ending (how the invasion ended) was just brilliant and I laughed so much. Then later I did feel a bit sad for the girls, they did so much, but yeah, they weren’t good babysitters.

The illustrations I just loved them, they fitted perfectly with the story. I love Becka Moor’s style of drawing, and am delighted when I see them pop up in a book.

All in all, this is a laugh out loud, wonderful book, that I would highly recommend to everyone in need for some laughter or some good time and doesn’t mind sextuplets or invasions just happening. 😀


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