Waiting on Wednesday ~ The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily

Waiting on Wednesday ~ The Twelve Days of Dash and Lily

Hi everyone!

Not that long ago I found out that a book I really loved is getting a sequel! The first book is called Dash & Lily’s Book Of Dares, I read it 3 years ago and adored it! Dares, cute meetings, romance, Christmas, ah, swoon! I was sad there wasn’t more about Dash & Lily, they made such a cute couple and I just wanted to know how their relationship went on. Luckily, with this book, once again taking place around Christmas, we will find out! It seems not everything is sunshine in their life. So I am curious to see how these events affected the couple, and of course I can’t wait to see what Dash, Langston, and other friends will do for Lily to give her back that holiday magic she loves so much.

26258306Dash and Lily have had a tough year since readers first watched the couple fall in love. Lily’s beloved grandfather suffered a heart attack, and his difficult road to recovery has taken a major toll on her typically sunny disposition.

With only twelve days left until Christmas—Lily’s favorite time of the year—Dash, Lily’s brother Langston, and their closest friends take Manhattan by storm to help Lily recapture the holiday magic of New York City in December.

Told in alternating chapters, The Twelve Days of Dash & Lily reunites two beloved characters and is bound to be a Christmas favorite, season after season.

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