Review for Rendez-Vous in Phoenix

Review for Rendez-Vous in Phoenix

31172218I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I always have been curious about the whole Mexico-border thing, and this one tells it from a personal view. That of Tony who wants to go over the border so he can be with his girlfriend who lives in America. I already knew the journey wouldn’t be easy (I have read enough books about the topic, seen a few movies), but it was just heartbreaking to see Tony go through all the things he went through. All he wants is an honest life with a possibility to grow, to be better. And of course living with his lovely girlfriend.

I also felt sorry for his girlfriend, I can’t imagine how it must feel to worry that your boyfriend will not get over the border, or will get killed while doing so, or will never get out of jail because of the border-crossing. The parts where he called her when something went wrong, or when it eventually does go right (no spoiler, come on guys, you can read everywhere that he is currently living in another country that isn’t Mexico), those parts were just heartbreaking, and I sniffled. At the earlier parts because I just felt so sorry for both of them, and then the last part because I was so happy that they could be together and be happy.

The times he crossed the border, but also the times that he told us about what happened when one crosses the border, the dangers, it just broke my heart.

The author/illustrator did a brilliant job on everything, I loved how the art looked, I loved how the characters looked. It was just all fantastic.

At the end we also have some sketches, and it was just lovely to see his work before it was coloured/finished.

All in all, this is one book I would recommend to everyone.


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