Review for Romancing the Inventor
5+ stars. This was amazing, swoony, cute, fantastic, lovely, sweet, kyaaa, squeal, and so much more!
So, now that I posted almost all my favourite scenes (I had a few more, but they were either NSFW or they might go to a spoiler area) on Twitter, I am ready to try my hand at writing a review for this adorable, fun, sweet, oh wait, you already know I love this book to bits. 😛 Sorry if the review is a bit chaotic. 🙂
The main character is Imogene, a country lass who is apparently very pretty (which causes her problems all the time), however she isn’t interested in a man. All she wants is a wonderful girl. Yes, this book is LGBT. So be warned if you don’t like that. There will be quite a few scenes with girl x girl action, or at least hints to it.
Now back to Imogene. She is a lovely, sweet, wonderful girl. She can’t read, write, but she is amazing with numbers. She can calculate stuff right out of her head. Even big sums. Yes. I really loved that she was wiz in maths. It stood out so much, especially in the age this book was written. A time in which girl should just be girls, being a math genius isn’t really something to talk about.
A lot happens, and then she has to bring something to the pottery shed, where Drone Lefoux is. From that moment on, all Imogene wants is to be with Lefoux. Why? Well Lefoux (VIEEEEEVEEEEEE, cough, sorry) is a girl and Imogene is very very much in love with her. But how do you let someone of the same sex know you like them? Especially when, later, you find out about a difficult past?
Well, you just send some hints, and you try your hardest to show that what you feel is 100% love and affection. What makes this even more difficult is that (how could you) Vieve apparently is under the impression that Imogene isn’t lesbian. That Imogene is just infatuated, is just feeling indebted to her due to some things that happen in the book. Arghhhhh! Plus the fact of course that there is that whole dark, gloomy past that isn’t easily conquered even when faced with a sweet angel like Imogene.
But the road to love isn’t an easy one, and I was frankly quite happy it wasn’t easy. Don’t get me wrong, I was shipping these 2 as crazy, I wanted to bop Vieve for being such a stiff idiot (even with all the hints, and even some Lady Maccon butting in), but I am glad it took them a bit before things finally began to form. Now it felt much, much, much more realistic. Now by the time they finally started doing stuff I was so invested in them, by now I just wanted them to be together, and it made the love scenes oh so much better. Finally! Hopefully I explained it right, it sounds so much better in my head than seeing it on a screen. 😛
Of course next to Vieve, we also meet some others from the world of Gail Carriger and it was such a delight to spot them all. Like a game. 🙂 Who would we meet? Would we see this and that person?
I also loved Vieve’s background story, well, maybe love sounds wrong, considering what happened to her, but I hope you get what I meant. It was quite interesting to see what has happened to Vieve after that Finishing School series. It was darn sad though. I wish that Vieve would have been happy, then again, she wouldn’t have met Imogene then. And that would have been terribly sad they make such a cute couple.
I also loved that Vieve never gave up on inventing. She just went and became super famous and super awesome with it. snickersAnd it seems she never really cared about dresses, so I was happy to see she is still wearing suits tailored to her form. So she would still look feminine but not have the restrictions that dresses would have.
The book also has some sex scenes, but like with Poison and Protect, they are written quite lovely and you will just be kyaaaing and squeeeing because of what happens. While there are enough details to know what is going on, it isn’t too explicit, at least not as explicit as some books I have read. The scenes are just really sweet, cute, and warm.
Next to the sex scenes we also have some super adorable scenes with them (or well, Imogene) reaching out and trying to flirt. Of course she isn’t that good at it, but at least she tries!
Then we have Henry, my lord, I hated his guts so much. I was definitely happy with how Vieve handled that little rat. Muahhahah. I have to say it was written very effective, I read them out loud to my boyfriend and he was just cringing and wiggling, like he could understand the pain. 😛
I wont waste any time on this rat, what a horrible, terrible character (not written badly, he just was terrible as a person).
Also I have the feeling Skoot is a reference for someone (or more than one) in the Finishing School. I am not sure, but it surely does feel like that.
Of course we have the whole supernatural bunch together too. From the hive, Imogene and Vieve work there, to the werewolf pack, who also played a giant role.
I already adored, loved, swooned over the cover before I read the book, before I even had the book, but after reading it? I definitely love the cover even more. Now I can just imagine it being Imogene and Vieve even better, and I can just imagine how this kiss will end.
What more? Mm, well I think I have said everything. I loved this book to bits, and I wouldn’t mind more books like this set in the world that Gail Carriger made. I can think of some more characters I wouldn’t mind seeing. Or maybe some new characters meeting old characters. dreams
I would highly recommend this book to everyone!