What I Hope To Read December 2016
Hello hello everyone!
A new month is upon us, just a few more days and then it is December. A busy month, but a fun one as well. Christmas, New Years, my boyfriend and my 7 1/2 anniversary! I can’t wait for all these events to happen, plus I can’t wait to decorate the house in Christmas colours.
How is the weather for you all? Here it is getting colder and colder, at the present moment it is about 2C outside, and as soon as I am done with this post, and a review, I will be snuggling up with a book.
This month I only have a very small bunch of books that I either pre-ordered or want to read. It always surprises me that not more books come out during this season. I would think it would be a great idea to have more books out during this month of presents and Christmas. Oh well, January definitely makes up for the lacklustre December. 😛