Review for Bear with Bear

Review for Bear with Bear

I received this book from the author in exchange of an honest review.

When the author mailed me about this book I was quite curious, it was a fiction and non-fiction book in one. One part was about a boy who wants a critter for a pet, while the other part was about the author’s childhood with stories about pets and more. It is not often that you see fiction and non-fiction getting combined like this.

However, I have to say that I didn’t quite like the fiction part. Sorry! The boy was quite fun at the beginning, but I quickly got annoyed with his attitude, and what he did and said to his little sister. He kept whining and whining about stuff. What he did to his sister’s cat was just meh. Why would you train a cat to do all that?

The parents weren’t all that good too. Oh, our kid comes into our room because her brother is doing x and y, let’s get a cat. Oh that doesn’t work out, dump the poor thing back to someone and get a dog. They even wanted to dump the dog when he got ticks……………

But I did love the non-fiction parts. It was quite fun to see where the author got her inspiration for the story from. Plus it was also fun because you got to know the author and her family more. It was quite fun that quite a few things actually did happen, just a bit different from what the fiction story tells.
She also added pictures and it was fun to see her pets.

I also loved how the whole fiction was connected to the non-fiction by way of a little stamp in the fiction parts. Not that it really worked that well in the PDF, but I guess it might work better with an ereader.

I wonder how many kids will email her about their experiences (she asks them (of course with permission from parents) to mail her). I am quite curious to the replies.

So yeah, since I did love the non-fiction parts plus I liked how it all connected, I will give it a 3 stars. 2.5 for the non-fiction, 0.5 for the connection.

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