Review for The Secret Loves of Geek Girls
A book full of Geeky girls, fanfiction, sexuality, sex, romance, love and much more. Not only wordier parts, but also a lot of comics.
Though I have to say it took me a long time to get through this one. Normally I fly through shorter books like this, but all in all (counting all the times) I spend about 4 to 5 hours on a 256 pages book… o.0
Yes, it was good. Yes, I did like it. That is why I am still rating it a 4 star, because the book deserves that. I am still really glad I read this one, that I bought this one on the whim and hope it was good. I am still happy that this one is going to be in my collection.
But there were quite few parts that I didn’t like. For instance the wordier parts. I knew they would be there (duh, it is mentioned everywhere), but I still hoped for more comics. Not that comics were always perfect, there were a few that I didn’t quite like, but still I wouldn’t have minded more comics.
The wordier parts really took me the longest to read. Two days ago I decided to just read the fun parts (as I would call the comics that) and then just read the 70-ish wordier parts later. Which turned out to be a two day (about 30 minutes and an hour) trial.
Yes, the wordier parts turned out to be OK for most of the time, but I really had to force myself to read them. It was like I just couldn’t get myself to read them. It was like something was stopping me. Maybe it was because most of the wordier parts just had the same overall message. I know this probably sounds rude, everyone has had their unique experience in love and geekdom, but for me it felt quite often the same. I would read x story, then go to y, and it was almost the same just wrapped in different words. It is just a shame.
But I did feel connected with quite a few of the stories, with the comics. I am also a big geek girl and I know that back when I was a teenager it wasn’t always easy to like stuff like Dragon Ball, or anime, or games. Like with what other stories also said, I often couldn’t connect well with my peers. Sure, I was interested in boys, and I loved boybands/girlbands, but still I couldn’t care about all the latest trends, clothes, or tv-shows. Well, unless those tv-shows were the geeky kind, like Star Trek. 😛
So yeah, I am definitely happy that I read these story, and that I see there are more people like me.
All in all, I quite enjoyed this book, and I would still recommend it to all the geeky girls in the world!