Review for Happiness Doesn’t Come From Headstands

Review for Happiness Doesn’t Come From Headstands

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review. 30753564

This was an super cute, sweet book about a girl who wants to do a headstand, but can’t, and learns about patience and thinking about the other things she is good in.

I can imagine the frustration, especially if everyone else around you can do one thing, but you, after countless tries, can’t. So I was 100% cheering for this girl and hoping she would make it, or that she would find something else to excel in and show all those people how awesome she was.

I also loved that this book was about yoga, and about kids doing that. Generally when I see yoga pop up in books it is about adults or teenagers, so it is a nice surprise/addition when it is a kid doing it. I also do some yoga, though I never had to have to do a headstand, thankfully, because while I can do one… it is only against the wall or when someone holds me. 😛

The girl sure had a good friend, a friend who showed her what other awesome things she can do that others probably can’t do. That is true friendship. Helping out your friend, but also showing them that they have other skills and awesome things they can do.

The ending? It was definitely adorable, and I was happy for the girl. Go girl, go! Tell them as it is!

The illustrations were pretty decent, I quite like the style of it and how well it fit with the story.

All in all, this is one cute book, and it definitely shows kids that while you might not be able to do x, you are probably awesome in other things, and that you should look on the bright side. But also that something doesn’t always come directly, but that you should be patient and just keep trying.


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