Review for Stella Brings the Family

Review for Stella Brings the Family

An adorable picture book about a little girl with two fathers and her worries about Mother’s Day.

When I spotted this little picture book, I just had to read it. There aren’t that many books that feature this kind of topic (though I would highly cheer for there to be more of them).
Plus of course, being a cover lover, when I saw the cover I wanted to see more of the art. 🙂

The story is about Stella, about her class who is having a Mother’s Day celebration. Normally this wouldn’t form a problem, but Stella doesn’t have a mom. She got 2 daddies. One she calls Daddy and one she calls Papa (soooo cute!). It worries her so much that she isn’t paying attention to anything, she lost her appetite. I wish the teacher had taken her aside, or even just spoke to her afterwards to talk to her. Now this poor girl is worrying, not only about who to bring, but also about the fact she doesn’t have a mom.

It was quite cute how she explained to her classmates what her daddies did. Who told the stories, who gave the kisses, who prepared the food. I just had this big smile on my face. This girl was so tiny, but could clearly tell them about her dads.
Plus the kids were really accepting of the fact she had 2 dads.

In the end the solution was pretty adorable, and I was happy for Stella. Of course the title already spoils the outcome, but eh, it was fun to see how it finally came to that point.

I had a laugh how the teacher was all puckered out, and how Stella walked up to her to apologise and already give an advance warning about Father’s Day.

The art was really cute, it is quite fun to see how much detail there is in the hair, especially if you compare that to the backgrounds. 😛

All in all, definitely a book that I would highly recommend. Not only is it cute, but it is also about an important topic.

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