Review for Pip Barlett’s Guide to Unicorn Training

Review for Pip Barlett’s Guide to Unicorn Training

The second book in the Pip Bartlett’s series and this one is, once again, about unicorns. But also about other creatures of course, it is just that the focus is unicorns and a certain thief who is stealing tails (oh noes!). Oh and Regent makes a comeback.

Before I start with the good I want to say that I took 0.5 stars off the rating because of the cover. I loved the previous cover, and I was hoping that this would be a series with all the covers like this. So shiny! But alas, we got this cover for this book and now I have a first book with a gorgeous cover, and a second book with, *cough**cough* this cover. 😐 I am just not happy when covers get changed. I don’t like mismatched covers, it just looks bleh on my shelves. This is also why I have added a gif to my review here. I am not adding that book’s cover. Bleh.

Now for all the good, as there is A LOT of good in this book.

For instance The Triple Trident, I just want to go there so badly. It sounds terrific. With all sorts of shows for magical creatures, stalls with an assortment of items, and you can also just walk around to see all the animals in their pens (well, if they are visible, some of them tend to go invisible, which is also funny as you see floating collars/harnesses). I can imagine myself getting lost all day and have a great time. Just like Pip.

Pip is still an amazing girl, and I love her ability to speak to animals/magical creatures. Not only because she could talk, but also because, through her, you heard what the creatures were saying even if they weren’t talking to her. From Heeeeeeeeeeyyyyys, to OMG, my mane is so fabulous, I am fabulous.
Plus I love how brave she is, and how much she cares for her friends. At times she is annoyed with Tomas, but at most times she really cares about him and often saves him, just like he saves her.
I wish we had seen more edits to the guide, now they were all in her head, but I would have liked her add some of her own information to it. I am sure that one day that guide will be bursting with new and updated tips and that it will be one of the best guides in the world.
She was also really dedicated to Regent, she tried to help him out (even if to the world it meant she was a girl talking to animals), and while I would have given up and just raged, she kept on going, and kept believing in him.

As I said in my review for the previous book, it would be fun to add an allergy section to the guide. Again this time we saw some amazing new allergies pop up. I especially found the glowing lamp one very intriguing to see.

Also this time I was a bit annoyed with Tomas, not only for his allergies, but also because of his fears for a lot of things. But, also like last time, I was amazed that he kept on going. He didn’t let some allergies stop him from going The Triple Trident, even if he knew he could potentially just die from an overload of allergies.
I was also tearing up a bit when x and y happened and I was so happy for him. He definitely deserves it, something in his life that doesn’t kill him and that will love him, just as much as Tomas will love it. Awww!

There is also a dash of mystery when a tail cutter appears! I had a lot of fun trying to figure out who it could be, I had several suspects and one by one I could cross them off my list until there was just one more suspect left. I won’t tell you who it was, duh. I did feel sorry for the unicorns, it takes a long time to grow back a tail, and those creatures just rely on their beauty so much.

Regent was pretty annoying in this one. Pretty much like how he was in the previous one. At times it was hilarious, but at times I was also shaking my head. Being afraid is one thing, but like this? Overkill.

I am still hoping for a Pip edited real version of the Guide. crosses fingers

All in all, I really enjoyed this book, I laughed my butt off quite a few times, and I would highly recommend it to everyone!
I hope this series will go on for a long time to come.

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