Review for Sarah at the Wedding
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.
KYAAAAAAAAAAA!! Um, sorry, I just had to get that out of my system. This was just too adorable. I already love Ian and Sarah books, but this one really tops everything.
The wedding, the fact that our two characters could be ring bearer and flower girl, but also the ending and what Ian says there (soooooo cute) and what happens after he said that, I had a huge smile on my face the whole time I read this book. My eyes are still full of hearts at the cuteness of this book.
The book can also easily be used as a reference should kids have questions about how weddings work. What happens there, what a ring bearer and flower girl are. The afterparty, the dances.
I am also glad that my ecopy has the double pages in one go, often it breaks up the pages and at times the story and the illustrations won’t work then.
The illustrations are gorgeous. Sarah and Ian are adorable, and I also like how many details one can find. From the beautiful veil on the bride, to the tiny little flowers on the carpet. The illustrator sure did a brilliant job. Plus add to that the colourfulness of the art. Such a delight!
I would definitely recommend this book to everyone! Be warned, it is super adorable.