Library Haul 15-7-2017

Library Haul 15-7-2017

Hello everyone,

First of all, happy weekend to my readers! May it be a good weekend and hopefully also filled with books!

So today I went to Library #2, it was a pretty quick visit. I had 14 reservations/on-holds and I found the last book I could get at the New Books table. Since I had so many I had to also bring back one book I still wanted to read, eh, guess I will grab it again next time I go to the library.

And as you can also see I am still reading the Cedric comics. They are just so much fun, yay to the past-me for taking one with her some weeks ago. 🙂

Stats: 15 books. 5 non-fiction, 6 fiction, 4 comics.

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
De dame in de spiegel by Roberto Pavanello, Giuseppe Ferrario
LevenXL by Ina van der Meulen
Hallo lieverd by Kim van Schie
De glibberige kwallenbende by Bjorn van den Eynde
LEGO Nexo knights : De Riddercode – Handboek van de vazal by Len Forgione
LEGO Nexo Knights: Het boek der monsters by John Derevlany
Dol op minifiguren by Jonathan Green
Powerfood: The Party Edition by Rens Kroes
Naar school by Raoul Cauvin, Laudec
Korte sladood by Raoul Cauvin, Laudec
Klaar! by Raoul Cauvin, Laudec
Wat heeft hij toch? by Raoul Cauvin, Laudec
Smokey Goodness 2 by Jord Althuizen
Feest voor Finn by Peter Goes

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