Book Haul October 2017
Hello everyone!
I know the month isn’t over yet, but with the exception of one book (which comes out tomorrow), I have all the books for this month accounted for! It was a really great month. I have a ton of pre-orders/gifts, and also a small stack of books I bought this month. Thanks to my sweet boyfriend for giving me 3 books (Fabeldieren, Zweetvoetenman, Foeksia)! hugs
First 2 pictures are my pre-orders/gifts, the third picture is what I bought this month.
And sorry for keeping my post so short, yesterday I didn’t get home from the airport/Vienna trip until very late (there was a 2 hour delay on the flight home due to storm Herwart). I am quite knackered, but I still wanted to write this post and show you all my new book babies!
Haha, I just noticed that I added Lockwood to the stack again, oops!
Witch Snitch by Sibéal Pounder, Laura Ellen Anderson
Amelia Fang and the Barbaric Ball by Laura Ellen Anderson
Kattensoep by Janneke Schotveld, Annet Schaap
Harper and the Fire Star by Cerri Burnell, Laura Ellen Anderson
There’s Someone in Your House by Stephanie Perkins
The Midnight Peacock by Katherine Woodfine
The Empty Grave by Jonathan Stroud
Before the Devil Breaks You by Libba Bray
Foeksia en het Spookhuis by Paul van Loon, Saskia Halfmouw
Het Grote Superjuffie Doeboek by Janneke Schotveld, Annet Schaap
De zweetvoetenman by Annet Huizing, Margot Westermann
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Illustrated Edition) by J.K. Rowling, Jim Kay
Fabeldieren by Floortje Zwigtman, Ludwig Volbeda
Jullie zijn zelf gek by Sylvia Witteman
Zoe and Chloe: Out to Lunch by Sue Limb
Girls to Total Goddesses by Sue Limb
Ella Mental and the Good Sense Guide by Amber Deckers