Library Haul 31-10-2017

Library Haul 31-10-2017

Evening everyone,

Today it was high time for me to visit Library #4, I had finished by books and I was craving for new ones. Today I also had someone along with me, namely my little hamster named Hakumei. Why did I bring my hamster with me? Because I had to visit the vet (cutting her tiny nails (due to her sickness it needs to be done by the vet)). The library is only 5 minutes from the vet, so I decided to bring my little one with me.

It was silent at the library, only me and 2 others were there. I quickly found a bunch of books, and while wandering around found a few more. In the end I found 7 books, sadly not the new ones the catalogue listed as available, but fun books regardless.

Stats: 7 books. 2 non-fiction, 1 comic book, 4 fiction.

Eindeloos ouderschap by Anneke Groen, Herman Vuijsje
Bridget Jones’s Baby by Helen Fielding
Has#tag by Dirk Bracke
Zeik niet zo by Anouk Kemper, Suzette Hermsen Lianne, Marije Sanders
Broederschap van de bok by Reggie Naus
321 superslimme dingen die je moet weten voor je 13 wordt by Mathilda Masters, Louize Perdieus
Noortje #5 by Jan Steeman, Patty Klein

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