Book Haul 26-11-2017 (Or Boekenfestijn Part 2)
Afternoon all!
Today was the last day for the Boekenfestijn near my place, so I decided I wanted to go again, I still had some money I had set aside left. If you missed my Book Haul from Thursday, you can read all about the books I got here.
This time I didn’t go alone, I took my boyfriend with me! He isn’t a giant bookworm like me, but he is more than happy to tag along and see me enjoy all the books. So we had lots of fun laughing at silly book titles or weird covers (Ninja Meerkats was one we decided had the weirdest cover).
I also found some new books to take with me! A few I had already spotted on Thursday when I went to the first time, so I am happy that they were still around and waiting. But most of my new stack is books I hadn’t seen yet.
I was a bit sad that they were already cleaning up, I was looking forward to checking out the English Last Copies tables (as those hold some great gems), but sadly they already cleaned almost all of those. I get that they close at 6pm, but is it really necessary to clean stuff up at 2/3 pm? When there are still people walking around? I will probably not go on a Sunday again, but instead opting for going on a Friday or Saturday.
But great news, apparently the new location was a success as they will be back next year! parties
In the end I have 11 new books to read! dances All this only costed me 25.90 euros! Which is 2.35 euro per book on an average.
Combining the total books from both of the hauls, I now have 29 (or 30 if you count that duplicate book from the first haul) new books! I can’t wait to start digging into that stack.
Space Crime Conspiracy by Gareth P. Jones
Lobsters by Tom Ellen, Lucy Ivison
Heartside Bay: A Date With Fate by Cathy Cole
Wannabe by Tessa Clayton
The Ellie McDoodle Diaires: Have Pen, Will Travel by Ruth McNally Barshaw
Jumblecat by Archie Kimpton, Katy Hindley
The Porridge of Knowledge by Archie Kimpton, Katy Hindley
Livin’ la Vida Lola by Lisa Clark
Cupcakes and Glitter Shakes by Lisa Clark
Aoi HOuse Omnibus Collection II by Adam Arnold, Shiei
The Little Book of Loose Women by Loose Women