My Year in Reading/Reviewing 2017

My Year in Reading/Reviewing 2017

Hey everyone!

Finally felt better enough to make a post about how much I read and reviewed!

How much did I read + in what languages? 

Last year (2017) I read a total of 1331 books.

Out of those 1331 these are the statistics on languages:

585 Dutch books

709 English books

36 German books

1 Japanese book (artbook)


How much did I review?

I have written 707 reviews in total (not counting several books that are in series and I just reviewed in one bundle instead of writing a review for each book). Plus this number may be a bit off as I also schedule ARC reviews for the new year, and I have no clue how many I scheduled in the first part of 2017.


What were the stats per language (as I review in Dutch and English)?

Out of 707 reviews:

127 reviews were Dutch

580 reviews were English (and some of these reviews might come from Dutch books that were originally English, and thus I decided to review them in English).


Some more on reviewing.

This year I have been trying to review more Dutch books, which I kind of wanted to do for some time, but never dared. But now, I am kind of /caring about what authors may think of them. That was the main reason why I didn’t review a lot of Dutch books, for some reason Dutch authors found my books more easily in comparison to English/foreign authors. And I have gotten some harsher comments about my reviews, which didn’t make me particularly happy. But now, after having some conversations with people, I have decided to just go for it. Though from what I can see I only wrote 3 reviews more than in 2016. 😛 So I still got some way to go!

I have also written a review for EACH and EVERY book I have read. Mostly short reviews which you can find on Goodreads, but also longer ones that you can find on my blog. I am really proud of myself, I was hoping I would be able to do this, and I was already thinking I wouldn’t be able to do it, but lo and behold, I made it!



In 2016 I decided to just read whatever I wanted, no matter how short, no matter how long. And I did the same in 2017, and will do the same in 2018. I have to say that I am still very happy with my resolution, happy that I decided to just /care for anyone who had a comment about my reading.

In 2017 I didn’t read as much as in 2016, but I am still very happy with my number. I even read a few more books on the last day as I wanted to reach that 1331 number (my boyfriend even made a joke about getting to 1337, but I knew that I would reach that as it was the last day and I also wanted to do something else next to reading).


Some stats from GR (picking up some parts from My Books > Stats, but also from My Year in Books 2017).

I read 192550 pages. Which with 1331 books, equals to ~144 page average!

Longest book (non-fiction): Bollyfood (416 pages) – Longest book (fiction): The Creeping Shadow (552 pages).

Shortest book (non-fiction): Ik hou van dino’s (16 pages) – Shortest book (fiction): Zoekboek Onderweg (12 pages)

I read a ton of comics this year, I found several series I read when I was a kid, but also started several new series. I hope that next year I will find a few new series to read + enjoy. And I also read quite a few picture books and found some new gems that I want to read over and over again.

My average rating for 2017 is  Which I think is a totally awesome average rating, as it meant I had a good reading year with tons of fun books.


As for reading resolutions this year?

I will just continue to read as I did last year. Anything that looks fun will be picked up by me, and I don’t care how big or small the book is.


As for reviewing resolutions this year?

I am happy with how I am reviewing at the moment. I won’t change anything in this 2018 year. Of course, like always, I would love to write more, but eh, it just isn’t possible between everything else in my life. But that is OK. My blog has tons of other fun things plus I think that 500+ reviews each year is a pretty great feat already! 😛



This was really fun to write, but A LOT of work. But all worth it as it makes me really happy to see all my statistics and share them with the world.

I can’t wait to see what 2018 will bring me in regards to books, but also in regards to blogging. Will my blog get more recognition? What kind of tours and blitzes will be featured on my blog? How much will I review? And then there is my Blog’s 4th anniversary is coming soon, I still can’t believe it has been 4 years! Where did the time go?

Thanks for reading this post, and here is to a fabulous, fantastic, super 2018! May it be filled with fantastic books!


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