Review for The Sand Warrior

Review for The Sand Warrior

This was just absolutely magical! Can’t wait for book 2 to come out, I need more Oona and the sand warriors and this world, and ahhhh.

5 worlds, all of them on the brink of extinction, all of them waiting for that one person who can save them. It is up to 3 amazing, sweet, great characters to save their worlds, will they be able to do it? Especially when the war breaks out (oh no) and they are being followed and hunted threatening everyone around them?

But first the book starts calm and pretty normal. We meet Oona, a girl who can dance with sand and make it do awesome things. Well. That is what it is supposed to do, but Oona’s powers are a bit volatile and have a life of their own. I just felt sorry for the girl, as people weren’t too kind towards her. And not only due to her clumsiness (or well she needs to learn more about her powers), but also because of what her sister did the previous year.
Throughout the book we see Oona learn various new things about herself, about her power, about her world (and the other worlds) history, she learns that there are people who care about her and want to be friends with here. And we also see her dance some amazingly beautiful that I just want to go HA to all those teachers and students who were mean to her.
At times I just wanted to hug her, tell her everything would be OK, that there would be scary parts ahead of her, exciting times, and she may learn things she may not want to know, but that she has the reader and her friends rooting for her.
I loved seeing her eyes change as a certain other power took over, that is a pretty nifty feature.

And then there is Tzu/Tsu. A boy from the slums who also has a great gift, but also something troubling him. Something that he needs to find a cure for or else his life may end. I had to get used to the little dude, but I did see a lot of potential in this guy, and indeed, after seeing him doing his stuff, I started liking him more and more. He is a good friend for Oona, he is caring and nice. I just hope that he will be able to get the cure in time.

Then there is Jax. I knew what his secret was right away. It was that obvious. I am not too sure how I feel about the guy, then again, I can’t blame him for how he is acting. I won’t say anything else, as that would go into spoiler territory and I don’t want that. I am just happy that he also seemed to undergo a change.

I loved how the story unfolded itself. It is definitely not fast paced, but everything will come, every act will be played when it is supposed to play. The action parts are pretty well done, but again, nothing is rushed. Plus we get tons of background on the land/the worlds. From the queen, the beacons, to various other things.

The art is absolutely gorgeous. I just love the characters designs, the different races and what powers they hold, the creatures that roam the land, the houses, the land, well, everything. It was just beautiful.

The ending was terrific, and I definitely hadn’t seen that twist coming. Oh boy, this is going to haunt Oona. But I am happy that she managed to do x. Great job girl! And then there is that last page, who are those 3 women and are they good or evil? Are they on the side of our characters or are they going to snitch on them?

There are still tons of things I want to see, and questions I have. So I can’t wait for the next volume to come out. I would highly recommend this book to everyone!

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