Top 10 Books July 2018
Hello y’all!
Welcome to a brand-new Top 10 post! This time July. Wow, the month flew by, it was a month of ups and downs, hot weather, and lots of good books. Yep! I had a total of 6(!!) 5+ starred books this month. Wow! I think that must be a record.
Selecting 4 books to make this one a Top 10 wasn’t easy, even if I didn’t have many 5 starred books this month. But I found 4 that I really want to feature.
I am also thinking about adding a link to the reviews of the books, but I am not sure yet, so for this month if you want to know if I wrote a review (there is a very big chance there is a review, unless I still need to write one or only posted a short review on Goodreads) use the search bar or check my review archives. Let me know if the comments if you would like this to be added to the Top 10 (or comment on the tweet I will post about this Top 10).
Disclaimer: The order of this list is random. The 5+ stars (if I have any) will always be on top, but that is the only non-randomness about the list.