Review for We Don’t Eat Our Classmates

Review for We Don’t Eat Our Classmates

An adorable book about a T-rex going to school and finding out she goes to a human school. How to resist eating them? 😛

I came across this cute book on Twitter, and of course I had to see if I could find it, because I just adore dinosaurs (the old design though, no overgrown birds for me). I also wanted to know how Penelope would handle the temptation of so many treats.

The first day at school is never easy, but it is especially hard if you are a T-rex dumped into a class full of human kids. I had to wonder why they put her there, to learn her a lesson? To make sure she grew up with a care for the humans? Something else, maybe just a simple mistake? I guess we will never know.

Penelope just doesn’t seem to understand that eating your classmates is a bad idea (even if you just put them in your mouth as far as I could see), she is totally clueless on why no one wants to be her friends or why people are running away. Um, Penelope dear, people just don’t like being eaten (no you can also not nibble or drool over them). Thankfully, she has a heart to heart with her dad (why is he not wearing clothes but she is?) and he explains. I did like that Penelope kept trying, but was also sad that it just wasn’t working out for her (and also felt sorry for her classmates who feared for their lives).

Thankfully, and no I won’t spoil what happens, something happens that makes Penelope see a whole new perspective and that changes her. It is a bit sad that she needed that lesson, but I guess it was the only thing that would have worked to show her.

I hope she will have tons of friends now, and that she will have a fun life at school (btw, are there other dinosaurs in other classes or is Penelope the only one in the entire school?).

The art was pretty OK, I liked how Penelope was drawn, and also the backgrounds were nicely drawn.

All in all, a pretty good book about a dino girl in a class full of yummy nuggets, um humans. 😛

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