Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 18-11-2018
Welcome to a brand-new and sparkling Sunday’s TBR Updates! Happy weekend to all. How many of my readers are also playing Pokemon Let’s GO? And what version did you get? I got Pikachu, my fiance got Eevee. And the game is just totally adorbs, though the catching controls are a bit iffy at times.
I could probably talk about Pokemon Let’s Go even more, but let’s go to my books. What did I read? Did I get new books? What are my plans?
This week I read several library books (out of Sigmunds now, hopefully I can bring a few with me next week when I visit Library #3 again). From my TBR I read: Nederland Leest Junior (from last week’s stack it was the second book and it was an interesting book), The Boy Who Lived With Dragons (funny, but also a bit sad), Death in the Spotlight (Ohhh, a coming out \o/), The Adventure Zone (hilarious as hell), De Gorgels en het geheim van de gletsjer (cute and humorous). I also read 2 books from my Boekenfestijn stacks (Zombie Haiku and Fashion Fairy Princess: Nutmeg).
As for my Kindle, well, I was more invested in my paper copies, but I did manage to try out Mirai (didn’t like it due to the stiff language), and I read The Marriage Bargain (which was supersweet).
My Paper TBR went down, quite a bit, but with two visits to Boekenfestijn, see here and here, I gained 13 books. Then there was the delivery of the newest Wizards of Once book Twice Magic, and the Terry Pratchett exhibit book. And my fiance also surprised me by buying the newest 100% Coco. Thanks sweetheart for buying books for me, thus feeding my book-addiction. 😛
So, a brand-new TBR pile. No books from Boekenfestijn, though I may pick them up and read them if I have time. But these 5 I selected are books I REALLY want to read NOW. I need some magic in my life, it is cold as hell here so a book about a winterhouse sounds good to me, some fashion is always fun, and then there are comics about cats and pizza and cuteness. Yep. All the books I need in my life right now.
As for my Kindle, not a top 6 but a top 3 this time. One book I am currently reading (the first one), the other is for a challenge, and then there is one book I do hope to read. I also should get to reading one ARC, but eh. Just not in the mood for it. I will get to it soon.
And these are my reading plans for this week! What are you reading next week? Hopefully all my readers have some fun books to read, enjoy! Have a great Sunday, I will be off to do some Pokemon Go-ing and then later some more Pokemon Let’s Go, oh and of course I will also read!
See you all next week again! 😘