Library Haul 23-1-2019

Library Haul 23-1-2019

Evening all,

Welcome to a new Library #4 haul! I actually wanted to go yesterday, but yesterday there was a ton of snow falling and it wasn’t really safe to bicycle. Today we still have snow (and ice) lying around, but most of it is melted so I could actually try to go by Library #4 on my way to things.

I already knew that they, just like Library #2, haven’t been adding new books (or only a handful) in the past month. But I was still hoping to find some books, and so with hope and some careful bicycling I made it to Library #4. Sadly, I couldn’t check out all the books at the Childrens’s department because apparently they shoved in a few new tables for today’s gaming session (kids are always free at 12pm on Wednesdays so they have these gaming sessions at times). Library #4 is already pretty small, and well, with so many kids and tables it was hard to make way to shelves. Still, I managed to find some books, and also several adult non-fiction/fiction. Including a book that I already read (and probably re-read as well) from Sylvia Witteman.

Even though I would have loved some new new books, I am happy with I got today. Now to decide which book to read first, the re-read or the book about a Muslim girl forced in an arranged wedding and a move to my country. mmmm

Stats: 6 books. 3 non-fiction, 3 fiction.

De uitverkorene by Fazya Oum’hamed
Veel gezelliger dan bij u thuis by Sylvia Witteman
De geesten van Hill House by Shirley Jackson
Taal voor  de leuk by Paulien Cornelisse
Door dik en dun by Tanja de Jonge
Billy de Kip by Marcel van Driel, Jeroen Schipper, Jort van der Jagt

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