Library Haul 8-1-2018
Hi everyone!
Welcome to a new Library Haul, it is Tuesday so that means it is time for Library #4!
I didn’t have high hopes for this one, I didn’t spot any new books up on their catalogue, but I still wanted to go. Maybe I would find at least something. Besides, I had to in the neighbourhood anyway. 😛
In the end I did find books, 4 of them. Including one book I already borrowed some time ago but didn’t have the time to read back then. Hopefully, very hopefully, I can read it this time. I am also planning to watch the new season of that show.
Stats: 4 books. All of them fiction.
I will be adding the missing books to Goodreads as I read them, and after that update the links here.
Jij en ik by Jan Terlouw, Gijs Wanders, Margaretha van Andel, Ariënne Bolt, Alyze Bos, Pieter Koolwijk, Joyce Pool, Jesse Goossens, Mireille Geus, Carolien Ceton, Anna van Praag, Jowi Schmitz, Peter-Paul Rauwerda, Ellen van Velzen, Lenneke Westera, Eva Moraal, Marloes Morshuis, Sjoerd Kuyper, Annet Huizing
De snelle pony by Gertrud Jetten
Bekeken by Gerard van Gemert
De Mol by Bart Debbaut