Library Haul 9-2-2019

Library Haul 9-2-2019

Afternoon, almost evening all,

Happy Saturday to all, and welcome to a brand-new Library #2 Haul post. This time filled with more books!

Yep, they finally had new books (yay, it only took them 3 months) and I reserved a whole bunch of them. Four of these reservations were waiting for me, including 3 other not so new books. But I needed to reserve these three as well as I read a book from the series earlier this week and loved it. I need more stories about this hilarious and weird family.

Since I still had room for some more books, and I only had one book at home, I wandered around and managed to find even more books! \o/

Wow, it was a wonderful haul, and a great start to my weekend. dances I got tons to read and I can’t wait to start.

Stats: 14 books. 4 picture books, 3 non-fiction, 7 fiction.

Note: A lot of these aren’t on Goodreads, I will add them as I read and then edit these links. 🙂

Gevangen in Battle Royal by Devin Hunter
De bromvliegenzwaan by Arend van Dam
Magische herinnering by Thea Stilton
Zolang er nog tranen zijn by Hannelore Grünberg-Klein
Vlucht by Blake Crouch
Haas en zijn vrienden by Annemarie Bon, Gertie Jaquet
Scheetjesles by Sunna Borghuis, Harmen van Straaten
Pistolenopa by Sunna Borghuis, Harmen van Straaten
Het poepkasteel by Sunna Borghuis, Harmen van Straaten
De Egyptenaren by Suzan Boshouwers, Veronica Nashmias
Tara en Liv by Emma Abbage, Marie Norin
Oei! Een vlek! by Milja Praagman
Papa is te groot voor ons huis by Yoeri Slegers
De schelmenstreken van Reinaert de Vos by Koos Meinderts

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