Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 3-2-2019

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 3-2-2019

Afternoon everyone,

Welcome to a new Sunday’s TBR Updates! twirls Sorry, very excited as my birthday is on Tuesday!! Yep, it is that time of the year again, as I write this my fiance just went out to the shops to get some last presents (apparently he didn’t have enough :P).

This week, phew, was a busy one, but I still managed to squeeze in a ton of books. Poor Netflix-kun and Anime-chan, but this week was mainly reading whenever I had time. I did watch a few episodes of The Bachelor S22 (yes, I am watching that for once), which I squeezed in while reviewing.

What did I read from my TBR Pile? Mm, Two Can Keep A Secret (so so many twists and turns), 29 Dates (cute and sweet). I also read two books that got delivered/I bought, namely: One-Punch Man 12 (excited and WOW) and Een huis voor Harry (adorable). I tried Wonder of Us we just didn’t connect so that date was over after 100 pages. 🙁

My Kindle TBR? I read Strip Tease (so adorable). I tried Period Power but that one just wasn’t for me, I had thought it was about x, but it was more about y. A shame. Oh, I also got another ARC that wasn’t on my Kindle Top 6 but which I needed to read for review: Lessons From a One-Night Stand (cute, but there were some issues).

So my Paper TBR went down with 3, then went up with 2, then went down again by 2, and then up with 5 again. Welcome to the Bookworm life.

Time for a shiny new TBR Pile. 4 of the 5 books that got delivered this week are on here. And I should really get to reading Six of Crows!

Instead of Top 6 Kindle books, this week it is just 3 books that I am looking forward to reading the most.

Well, that brings us to the end of this week’s Sunday’s TBR Updates! dances I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday, may it be filled with many books and tons of relaxation.
Until next week~ waves

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