Review for Vivienne Westwood

Review for Vivienne Westwood

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

So I LOVE Vivienne Westwood’s designs/clothes, and I couldn’t resist trying out this book. My love for Vivienne Westwood began when I read NANA years and years ago. I fell in love with all the awesome things she makes, wishing I could wear them.

This one tells us the life story of Vivienne Westwood, from tiny little kid to adult. I loved that she defended people who got bullied, that is really sweet and special. I didn’t even know she was a teacher! That was such a fun thing to find out. It was quite, thanks to the book’s jumping around in age, hilarious to see her go from classy teacher to punk rock loving woman with pointy hair and clothes that were ripped up. We see how she starts making her name, and read about her getting critics feathers ruffled due to her clothes. It was all plenty of interesting and I liked how they ended her story.

Like with another book in this series, this one also features her life story in just words with plenty of more information than we got in the picture book part. Also included are photographs of Vivienne.

There was just one thing I didn’t quite like and that was how it moved from one age to another, it was quite jarring at times. I had to go back at times to see if I missed a page or two, or three.

The art was great, I am really liking Laura Callaghan’s style. It fits so well with Vivienne.

All in all, this was a pretty nice introduction to Vivienne Westwood, and I would recommend it.

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