Book Haul April 2019

Book Haul April 2019

Afternoon all,

April is nearing its end and so here I am with a new Book Haul! waves bye to April and hi to May

April was a busy month (moving, wedding dress fitting, packing/slowly unpacking, and more), but also filled with books. I got quite a few pre-orders, though it took them to last week until they arrived, and also a couple of books I just had to have in my collection.

Oh, and yesterday I also had a fun haul filled with manga, check it out here.

The first stack is pre-orders/books I planned to get and the second stack is books I couldn’t resist.

Super Cats by Gwyneth Rees, Becka Moor
Mo, Lottie and the Junkers by Jennifer Killick
Case Closed: Mystery in the Mansion by Lauren Magaziner
Hamish and the Monster Patrol by Danny Wallace, Jamie Littler
Sandapalooza Shake-up by Chris Grabenstein
Volwassen worden is optioneel by Marloes de Vries
Maar je ziet er helemaal niet autistisch uit by Bianca Toeps
Spookweerwolven by Paul van Loon, Hugo van Look

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
Levenslessen van een kat by Jamie Shelman

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