Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 30-6-2019

Sunday’s TBR Updates ~ 30-6-2019

Afternoon all,

Welcome to a new Sunday’s TBR Updates and happy weekend to you all! Wow, what a week, I can’t believe it’s been a week (and a day) since my marriage. This week was mostly recovering from 8/9 months of stress (because even though it flew away it left my body after the wedding my body is still not too happy about things). This week I mostly read library books + plenty of manga.

What did I read from my TBR? Nothing on the photograph, however thanks to I had the chance to read The Rest of the Story by Sarah Dessen! I had tons of fun reading that one, it was stunningly lovely.

What did I read from my Kindle? Eh, nothing. 😛 My Kindle just stayed next to me on the stack of Aria Manga I still want to re-read.

My TBR went up by 1, then down again by 1, and then up again by 1.

Here is my new TBR pile. I just wasn’t in the mood for The Handmaid’s Tale nor for Wings, so I moved them to the other TBR. Maybe I will put them on my vacation TBR, got to think that one over. I still want to try out Thirst again, and the Eva Burgers book is the one I just bought.

And a new Kindle TBR. Not sure how much I will read from that, but there are a couple of books on there that I REALLY WANT TO READ NOW (like for instance Haverscroft).

With that we have come to the end of this week’s Sunday’s TBR Updates. Thanks again for reading, and I want to wish you all a happy Sunday. Enjoy those books, hope there is plenty of time to relax. As for me, I am going outside for a walk + to visit the big market in my tiny town.

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