Library Haul 5-8-2019

Library Haul 5-8-2019

Hi all!

Today I visited the nearby town and decided to visit the library there! Since I have a limit of 25 books and I only had 4 in my possession, three which I already read/tried, I thought it would be nice to grab some new ones. And also hope for a better success rate with magazines since the one in the nearest city didn’t have any magazines that struck my fancy.

At first it seemed that I wouldn’t have a lot of luck, but eventually I managed to gather quite a nice stack of books with a variety of interests. The magazines though… no female/girl/fashion magazines to be found. is sad

So I am quite happy with my visit to the library, I can’t wait to start reading the new books, in fact I already started one!

This may be my last Library Vacation Haul. I am happy with the books I find, but still disappointed with how little I find. Especially after not visiting for a year. But who knows, there is still a little under 2 weeks left to go, so maybe I will visit one more time. 🙂

Stats: 7 books. 3 comics/graphic novel, 1 non-fiction, 3 fiction.

No book list, I am really tired, wish I could nap but then I won’t sleep well at night. But I do want to share my new books with you all!

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