Review for The Escape Manual for Introverts
I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.
raises handI am very much an introvert, so I couldn’t resist this book. I had to click that Read Now button. I was very much curious to see what kind things this one would give as a way of escaping.
There are various chapters each one dealing with a certain topic. Friends, relatives, co-workers to acquaintances and more. With each chapter we get scenarios that were just oh oh so true (really, I was nodding along) and what kind of things an introvert may do to escape, let people know they don’t want to in a subtle way, tips for conversations which I do want to try myself though I kind of worry it will backfire for instance the ask questions that take long answers.. I can see that end up in a discussion of never endingness, and more. I had quite a laugh, but I was also noting down several of the nicer ways in my head. I think I can use some of these tips/excuses. 😛 Of course, not in abundance, as they do warn you against that which is totally logic, I think most people would be unhappy if their friends kept running away or making excuses. And some excuses went a tad bit too far (like in the co-workers part to just insist on going to a place no one wants to go) and some were just beyond silly, but I still couldn’t help but snicker at them. Even though they weren’t things one would use in real life, it is tempting. grins Maybe I should put a bag of potatoes and a blanket near the door.
A few of these excuses I have already tried myself. For instance the turning away when you see someone you know. Or even go into a nearby store even though you don’t need to go there. 😛
I was quite impressed with the amount of tips/excuses/etc. There are so many! And they are all accompanied by fun illustrations that made reading even more fun to read and, quite often, hilarious.
All in all a delightful escape manual for introverts. Tons of humour, several excuses are maybe not what you want to use in real life, but there are some that are actually doable (and yes, I can’t wait to try them out).