Banned Books Week 2019 22-9 to 28-9 (Update: Finished)

Banned Books Week 2019 22-9 to 28-9 (Update: Finished)

Afternoon all,

Banned Books Week 2019, Banner, Keep the Light On

A brand-new Banned Books Week has started~ And like each year I am participating. Sure, my country doesn’t really ban books (only Mein Kampf from what I know), but I still want to show that I am against banning/challenging books.

Throughout the past month I have been looking and asking for books to read. Again, it was a bit hard as it seems to be the same books every year, I would love to find lists of books banned in this year, after all we are already near October and I would think someone has a list somewhere for the past 8 months. So I also checked Twitter, hoping to find some new books.

This year I am planning on reading: 6 books. I am also planning on watching 1 movie: The Giver. I tried the book of that one but couldn’t get into it, so I am hoping the movie is better.

Throughout the week I will be updating this post, so be sure to check back. 🙂

The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf (Read: 27-9)
The Librarian of Basra by Jeanette Winter (Read: 24-9)
Rose Blanche by Roberto Innocenti (Read 26-9)
Thomas’ Snowsuit by Robert Munsch (Read: 27-9)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone by J.K. Rowling (Read: 23-9)
Dragonball 1: De supersonische wolk by Akira Toriyama (Read 26-9)

*The Giver – Netflix movie (Saw 27-9)


EDIT: Hi all, writing this on 27-9, there is just one more day to go, but I have reached my goal! I watched The Giver, which was just a freaking amazing movie and yes I cried a couple of times, especially the ending. Holy crap that was wonderful. I read 6 books, 4 picture books, 1 normal book, 1 manga. It was a fun/interesting Banned Books Week. I am glad I am participating in this week, and I will definitely be back next year.


Are you participating and reading a banned book this week? Tell me what book you are reading and why it was banned/challenged. Also, what do my readers think of banning/challenging books? Last question, what is the most stupid reason you have ever seen a book get banned or challenged?

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