Blog Tour ~ Grimworld by Avery Moray ~ Excerpt + Giveaway
👻Morning all,👻
A grim welcome to the Blog Tour for Grimworld by Avery Moray. I am spooky delighted to be part of this tour, a spooky ghost (I am guessing), stealing time, and more~
For today’s tour stop I got an excerpt from the book, I will tell you about the book (coming out in just a few days on Nov 1)/author, watch a trailer (spooky), and also be sure to participate in the giveaway (sorry guys, US only).
Let’s get this grim and spooky tour started! 👻
Every day, thirteen year old Henry Bats has his usual bowl of Sugar Slugs, helps tend Cobalt Sidewinders at Frank’s Peculiar Pets, and keeps to himself with his comic book collection. Just your typical day in Grimworld, where the sky is always dark and shadows lurk in the streets. What’s not typical is a suspicious Nightspook luring Henry into a cemetery in the middle of the night with the promise of a prized comic book. The Nightspook steals part of Henry’s lifespan with a pocket watch, which begins counting down to his death. Henry is running out of time, and the pocket watch won’t stop ticking…

Pre-order here:Amazon
Avery Moray is a storyteller who specializes in middle grade and young adult fantasy. She lives in a land with tall mountains and wide plains with her two furry sidekicks and one non-furry accomplice. She likes sweets, cats, Halloween, and loves creating all kind of things, stories being one of them.

His parents said goodnight and Henry fell asleep in his Captain Grim sheets. He was dreaming about a giant meatloaf with legs when he awoke to a noise. He rolled over and tried to fall back asleep. A minute later he heard the noise again, a sort of thump. His eyes squinted at the alarm clock. 3 A.M.
“Hattie?” he yawned.
No reply. He pried his eyes open and lifted his head a few inches. As there were no windows in the room, the only light came from the glowing numbers on the alarm clock. But there across the room, darker than dark, was a shadow in the vague shape of a person. Henry blinked rapidly, hoping his mind was playing tricks on him, but the black mass remained. He sat up, heart pounding. There were no distinguishable features on the shadow, but he knew whatever it was, was watching him.
“Hello?” he whispered.
The mass seemed to shiver, and as if from nowhere, there came a voice. “Hello.” It was deep and muted, as if underwater, but he heard it clearly. He made himself as still as possible.
“What are you?”
“A Nightspook.”
“Nightspooks are invisible. And they can’t talk.”
“You’re wrong.” The shadow crept closer. It glided across the floor until it was beside his nightstand. Henry repeated in his mind that Nightspooks were harmless.
“Hattie told me about you,” it said.
Henry had trouble getting his words out. “Oh, she did?”
“I need your help.”
“How about you ask Hattie? She can be really helpful, you know.”
The edges of the figure became sharper. “No. You.”
Henry slowly lay down and pulled the blanket over his face, speaking through the fabric. “I really have to get some sleep, so if you could just leave.”
After a minute of silence, Henry poked his head out from the sheet. The shadow was still there, hovering above him, and it was growing larger. His palms were slick with sweat. “I guess you’re not leaving.”
“No.” Its voice was louder.
“What do you need help with?”
“I need something.”
“What do you need?”
“Come with me.”
“I really don’t have time right now.”
The shadow expanded further. “Come. Now.”
“I can’t.” Henry shrunk into his pillow.
The black stretched out, covering the bed, its voice vibrating in his ears. “Come now. There will be a reward.”
Henry knew if he didn’t go, the Nightspook wouldn’t go away, or worse, it would attach itself to him. “What kind of reward?”
“Anything your heart desires.”
He thought about what his heart desired. “A first edition of Captain Grim?”
“Yes. Come.”
“What if I don’t go?”
“No escape,” the shadow boomed and completely engulfed the bed with its mass.
Henry gulped. “Promise you’ll leave me alone after?”
“Yes.” He squeezed his fists and released. “Fine.”
The mass shrunk and disappeared through the door. Henry got up, not bothering to change out of his pajamas. The roaring snore of Gobbert echoed throughout the house and he moved with every exhale, making sure to step over the squeaky floorboards. The shadow was waiting for him outside, now a suspended lump the size of his head.
“Follow me.”