Identity Crises ~ A Book Tag

Identity Crises ~ A Book Tag

Afternoon all!

Welcome to a new Book Tag post!

I was checking through the blogs I am following when I bumped against this book tag on Happy Reading Co.  I just LOVE quizzes and when I saw this one would be full of them? I just couldn’t resist. I could spend all day doing quizzes if I would allow myself to do that. 😛

I had quite a lot of fun doing this one, however with some answers… I just had to guess. I haven’t read all of the books, and some answers expected me to know celebrities/songs/shows that I just didn’t know or cared about.


  • Take all the quizzes down below and record your answers.
  • NO CHEATING. You get one shot to take each quiz.
  • Give credit to the creator Loretta @ The Laughing Listener or tag her on twitter @LaughnListener so she can see everyone’s answers!!
  • Tag some friends to spread the fun!

NOTE: You may use my images for the covers, but please let me know/credit me. I just spend like 20-30 minutes making these. 😛


The Red Queen
Red Queen, Crown, Blue, Young Adult, Victoria Aveyard
Quiz Result, You're Kilorn, Red Symbol
Shadowhunters, Cassandra Clare
Shadowhunters, Cassandra Clare, Result, Quiz
Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas
Throne of Glass, Sarah J. Maas, Quiz, Result
Hunger Games
Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins, Quiz, Result
Harry Potter
Harry Potter, Magic, J.K. Rowling
Fred Weasley, Quiz, Result, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling
A Court of Thorns and Roses
A court of thorns and roses, Sarah J. Maas
Amren, A Court of Thorns and Roses, Sarah J. Maas, Quiz, Result
The Raven Cycle
The Raven Cycle, Maggie Stiefvater
Maggie Stiefvater, Adam Parrish, Quiz, Result, Raven Cycle
Twilight Saga, Stephenie Meyer
Twilight, Stephenie Meyer, Vampires, Quiz, Result
Folk of The Air
Folk of the Air, Holly Black, Crowns
Quiz, Result, Vivi, Folk of the Air, Holly Black
The Lunar Chronicles
Lunar Chronicles, Fairy Tales, Sci-FI, Young Adult, Marissa Meyer
Cress, Lunar Chronicles, Marissa Meyer, Quiz, Result
This was just SO MUCH FUN. Thanks to both Happy Reading Co and Loretta, one for making it and the other for having it on their blog which I follow.

Now a question to my readers, what characters would you be? Be sure to tell me your results as I am curious about it. I wonder if we have some matching.

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