Top 10 Books October 2019

Top 10 Books October 2019

Afternoon all,

Top Books October 2019, Slimme Droger, The Kingdom, Monster Atlas, Red, Pink, Black, Monsters

Welcome to a new Top 10 Books, this time for the Amazing month of October. I will remember how awesome you were~ *is still sad that October just flew by in a flash of green and is that a witch?

Yes, this was an amazing reading month. I had tons of fun reading all sorts of creepy or magical or mysterious books (54-55 in total (still reading a few)), but I also read some non-Halloween books.

I had 4 five plus starred books and 21 (!!!) five starred books. As I can only feature 6 of those five starred books, I would recommend checking out my shelves on Goodreads, I got special star shelves. 🙂

Without further ado~ Here are my favourite books of October 2019~

Disclaimer: The order of this list is random. The 5+ stars (if I have any) will always be on top, but that is the only non-randomness about the list.

Zwijg, Mel Wallis de Vries, Black, Girl, Pink/Orange Letters
Tex de Wit, White Circle, Red, White Text, Ik Heb een slimme droger

The Kingdom, Jess Rothenberg, Castle, Two Sides, Dark, Pink, Sky, Flags
Tunnel of Bones, Victoria Schwab, Red, Black, Bones, Skulls, Cats, Red Coat, Young Adult, Horror, Ghosts
Face, Red, The Lights, Carrie Parker, Horror, Christmas
Yossel April 19 1943, Joe Kubert, Stripes, Arm, Tattoo, Star, Hand
Koning Roe 2 - De vloek van het mummiegoud , Blue Cover, Children's Book, Adam Stower, Yellow Letters, Beard, Crown
Knock Three Times, The Wizards Of Once, Two Boys, Girl, Red, Orange, Door, Cover, Children's Book
De Grote Monster Atlas, Colourful, Black background, Federica Magrin, Laura Brenlla, Monsters, Children's Books, Yellow Text

2 thoughts on “Top 10 Books October 2019

  1. Aw, man! Just seeing this list is getting me excited for the huge stack I have sitting on my reading table (which is really just a coffee table magically transformed by the ginormous piles of books on every centimeter of surface space!)

    1. Coffee tables turned to reading tables, best use of a table. ❤ What books are on your huge stack, or better said which ones do you hope to read soon?

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