Goodreads My Year In Books 2019

Goodreads My Year In Books 2019

Hi all!

My Year in Goodreads 2019, Goodreads, Reading

A surprise post! I saw several other bloggers do this one and thought it would be fun to do it as well. Welcome to my Year in Books 2019 of Goodreads. It has been an amazing year, and I read so much (and I am still reading so this number may go up a bit more). I still can’t believe I read this much and that I went over my total of last year. dances

While I do love the Goodreads My Year in Books, I do think they should add more stats (female/male ratio, genre or shelves) + also make sure that books have at least 10 ratings before it counts for Least popular or Highest rated. As for both my Least Popular and Highest Rate I am the only who rated and read those books.

As for my latest review, well that is cache problem, my actual latest review is for Ze zitten achter mijn vrouw aan.

I made a few screenshots of the few books that were featured as there were so many.

So let’s get to my Year in Books 2019! twirls and throws some glitter

EDIT: 1-1-2020. Updated a new image as I read a total of 9 more books~

My Year in Goodreads 2019, Goodreads, Reading

My Year in Goodreads 2019, Goodreads, Reading My Year in Goodreads 2019, Goodreads, Reading

My Year in Goodreads 2019, Goodreads, Reading My Year in Goodreads 2019, Goodreads, Reading

And that concludes my Year in Books! Boy this post was pretty fun to make, I am glad I made it. I am sure you guys are curious about my favourite books of 2019? Well, you will have to wait until 31st of December when I reveal my top 13 books!

How was Your Year in Books? Did you have a goal, or did you just do it like me and make up a goal just to have the 2019 Reading Challenge (I am not a goal girl, I just get nervous about it). Let me know, I always love seeing what others read and all those other bookish stats.

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